React 18 新特性
知识要点 ⾼阶组件⽤法及封装 ⾼阶组件(HOC)是 React 中⽤于复⽤组件逻辑的⼀种⾼级技巧。HOC ⾃身不是 React API 的⼀部分,它是⼀种基于 React 的组合特性⽽形成的设计模式。 简单点说,就是组件作为参数,返回值也是组件的函数,它是纯函数,不会修改传⼊的组件,也不会使⽤继承来复制其⾏为。相反,HOC 通过将组件包装在容器组件中来组成新组件。HOC 是纯函数,没有副作⽤。
HOC实现⽅式 属性代理 使⽤组合的⽅式,将组件包装在容器上,依赖⽗⼦组件的⽣命周期关系来;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 function HOC (WrappedComponent ) { return class extends React .Component { constructor (props) { super (props) this .state = { name : '' } this .onChange = this .onChange .bind (this ) } onChange = (event ) => { this .setState ({ name : event.target .value }) } render ( ) { const newProps = { name : { value : this .state .name , onChange : this .onChange } } return <WrappedComponent {...this.props } {...newProps } /> } } } @HOC class Example extends Component { render () { return <input name ="name" {...this.props.name } /> } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 import * as React from 'react' export default function HOC (WrappedComponent ) { return (props ) => ( <div > { props.isShow ? ( <WrappedComponent {...props } /> ) : ( <div > 暂无数据</div > ) } </div > ) }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 function withBackgroundColor (WrappedComponent ) { return class extends React .Component { render () { return ( <div style ={{backgroudColor: '#ccc '}}> <WrappedComponent {...this.props } {...newProps } /> </div > ) } } }
反向继承 使⽤⼀个函数接受⼀个组件作为参数传⼊,并返回⼀个继承了该传⼊组件的类组件,且在返回组件的 render() ⽅法中返回 super.render() ⽅法
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 function HOC (WrappedComponent ) { return class extends WrappedComponent { render () { return super .render () } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 function HOC (WrappedComponent ) { const didMount = WrappedComponent .prototype .componentDidMount return class extends WrappedComponent { async componentDidMount ( ) { if (didMount) { await didMount.apply (this ) } } render () { return super .render () } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 function HOC (WrappedComponent ) { const didMount = WrappedComponent .prototype .componentDidMount return class extends WrappedComponent { async componentDidMount ( ) { if (didMount) { await didMount.apply (this ) } this .setState ({number :2 }) } render () { return super .render () } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 const HOC = (WrappedComponent ) => class extends WrappedComponent { render ( ) { if (this .props .isRender ) { return super .render () } else { return <div > 暂无数据</div > } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 function HOC (WrappedComponent ) { return class extends WrappedComponent { render () { const tree = super .render () const newProps = {} if (tree && tree.type === 'input' ) { newProps.value = 'something here' } const props = { ...tree.props , ...newProps } const newTree = React .cloneElement (tree, props, tree.props .childern ) return newTree } } }
属性代理:从“组合”⻆度出发,有利于从外部操作wrappedComp,可以操作props,或者在 wrappedComp 外加⼀些拦截器(如条件渲染等);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 import React from 'react' import fetchMovieListByType from '../lib/utils' import MovieList from '../components/MoviesList' export default class PageA extends React.Component { state = { movieList : [] } async componentDidMount () { const moveList = await fetchMovieListByType ('comedy' ) this .setState ({ moveList }) } render () { return <MovieList data ={this.state.movieList} emptyTips ="暂无喜剧" /> } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 import React from 'react' import fetchMovieListByType from '../lib/utils' import MovieList from '../components/MoviesList' export default class PageB extends React.Component { state = { movieList : [] } async componentDidMount () { const moveList = await fetchMovieListByType ('action' ) this .setState ({ moveList }) } render () { return <MovieList data ={this.state.movieList} emptyTips ="暂无动作片" /> } }
以上冗余代码过多,使用HOC 代码:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 import React from 'react' const withFetchingHOC = (WrappedComponent, fetchingMethod, defaultProps ) => { return class extends React .Component { async componentDidMount () { const data = await fetchingMethod () this .setState ({data}) } render () { return ( <WrappedComponent data ={this.state.data} {...defaultProps } {...this.props } /> ) } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 import React from 'react' import withFetchingHOC from '../hoc/withFetchingHOC' import fetchMovieListByType from '../lib/utils' import MovieList from '../components/MoviesList' const defaultProps = {emptyTips : '暂无喜剧' }export default withFetchingHOC (MovieList , fetchMovieListByType ('comedy' ), defaultProps)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 import React from 'react' import withFetchingHOC from '../hoc/withFetchingHOC' import fetchMovieListByType from '../lib/utils' import MovieList from '../components/MoviesList' const defaultProps = {...}export default withFetchingHOC (MovieList , fetchMovieListByType ('some-other-type' ), defaultProps)
更符合 ⾥⽒代换原则(Liskov Substitution Principle LSP),任何基类可以出现的地⽅,⼦类⼀定可以出现。LSP是继承复⽤的基⽯,只有当衍⽣类可以替换掉基类,软件单位的功能不受到影响时,基类才能真正被复⽤,⽽衍⽣类也能够在基类的基础上增加新的⾏为
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 import React from 'react' import { whiteListAuth } from '../lib/utils' function AuthWrapper (WrappedComponent ) { return class AuthWrappedComponent extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super (props) this .state = { premissionDeied : -1 } } async componentDidMount () { try { await whiteListAuth () this .setState ({ premissionDeied : 0 }) } catch (e) { this .setState ({ premissionDeied : -1 }) } } render () { if (this .state .premissionDeied === -1 ) { return null } return <WrappedComponent {...this.props } /> } } }
组件渲染性能(反向继承) 如何计算一个组件 render 期间的渲染耗时
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 import React from 'react' class Home extends React.Component { render () { return <h1 > Hello World.</h1 > } } function withTiming (WrappedComponent ) { let start, end return class extends WrappedComponent { constructor (props) { super (props) start = 0 end = 0 } componentWillMount () { if (super .componentWillMount ) { super .componentWillMount () } start = +Date .now () } componentDidMount () { if (super .componentDidMount ) { super .componentDidMount () } end = +Date .now () console .log (`${WrappedComponent.name} 组件渲染时间为${end - start} ms` ) } render () { return super .render () } } } export default withTiming (Home )
Hooks 详解
Hooks 是 react 16.8 以后新增的钩子 API 目的:增加代码的可复⽤性,逻辑性,弥补函数式组件没有⽣命周期,没有数据管理状态 state 的缺陷。
为什么要使⽤ Hooks? 1. 开发友好,可扩展性强,抽离公共的⽅法或组件,Hook 使你在⽆需修改组件结构的情况下复⽤状态逻辑; 2. 函数式编程,将组件中相互关联的部分根据业务逻辑拆分成更⼩的函数; 3. class 更多作为语法糖,没有稳定的提案,且在开发过程中会出现不必要的优化点,Hooks ⽆需学习复杂的函数式或响应式编程技术;
常见 Hooks useState 6 1 const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);
setState ⽀持函数式组件有⾃⼰的 state;
返回值:数组,第⼀项是 state 值,第⼆项负责派发数据更新,组件渲染;
注意:setState 会让组件重新执⾏,所以⼀般需要配合 useMemo 或 useCallback;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 const DemoState = (props ) => { const [number, setNumber] = useState (0 ) return ( <div > <span > {number}</span > <button onClick ={() => { setNumber(number + 1) console.log(number) // 0 }} /> </div > ) } const a = 1 const DemoState = (props ) => { const [number, setNumber] = useState (() => { return a === 1 ? 1 : 2 }) return ( <div > <span > {number}</span > <button onClick ={() => { setNumber(number + 1) }} /> </div > ) }
使⽤条件:当组件init、dom render完成、操纵dom、请求数据(如componentDidMount)等;
不限制条件,组件每次更新都会触发 useEffect --> componentDidUpdate 与 componentwillreceiveprops;
useEffect 第⼀个参数为处理事件,第⼆个参数接收数组,为限定条件,当数组变化时触发事件,为[]只在组件初始化时触发;
useEffect 第⼀个参数有返回时,⼀般⽤来消除副作⽤(如去除定时器、事件绑定等);
注意:useEffect⽆法直接使⽤async await
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 useEffect (() => { const fetchData = async ( ) => { const response = await fetch ('https://xxx.com' ) const json = response.json () setData (json) } fetchData ().catch (console .error ) }, [])
useLayoutEffect 渲染更新之前的 useEffect useEffect: 组件更新挂载完成 -> 浏览器dom 绘制完成 -> 执⾏useEffect回调 ; useLayoutEffect : 组件更新挂载完成 -> 执⾏useLayoutEffect回调-> 浏览器dom 绘制完成;
渲染组件 1. useEffect:闪动; 2. useLayoutEffect:卡顿;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 const DemoUseLayoutEffect = ( ) => { const target = useRef () useLayoutEffect (() => { const { x, y } = getPosition () animate (target.current , {x, y}) }, []) return ( <div > <span ref ={target} className ="animate" > </span > </div > ) }
useRef ⽤来获取元素、缓存数据; ⼊参可以作为初始值
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 const DemoUseRef = ( ) => { const dom = useRef (null ) const handerSubmit = ( ) => { console .log (dom.current ) } return ( <div > <div ref ={dom} > 表单组件</div > <button onClick ={() => handerSubmit()}>提交</button > </div > ) } const currentRef = useRef (InitialData )currentRef.current = newValue
useContext ⽤来获取⽗级组件传递过来的 context 值,这个当前值就是最近的⽗级组件 Provider 的 value; 从 parent comp 获取 ctx ⽅式; 1. useContext(Context); 2. Context.Consumer;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 const DemoContext = ( ) => { return ( <Context.Consumer > {(value) => <div > my name is {value.name}</div > } </Context.Consumer > ) } const DemoUseContext = ( ) => { const value = useContext (Context ) return <div > my name is {value.name}</div > } export default () => { return ( <div > <Context.Provider value ={{name: 'aaa '}}> <DemoContext /> <DemoUseContext /> </Context.Provider > </div > ) }
useReducer ⼊参:
第⼀个为函数,可以视为 reducer,包括 state 和 action,返回值为根据 action 的不同⽽改变后的 state;
第⼆个为 state 的初始值;
出参: 4. 第⼀个更新后的 state 值; 5. 第⼆个是派发更新的 dispatch 函数;执⾏ dispatch 会导致组件 re-render;(另⼀个是useState)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 const DemoUseReducer = ( ) => { const [number, dispatchNumber] = useReducer ((state, action ) => { const { payload, name } = action switch (name) { case 'a' : return state + 1 case 'b' : return state - 1 case 'c' : return payload } return state }, 0 ) return ( <div > {/* 派发更新 */} <button onClick ={() => dispatchNumber({name: 'a'})}>增加</button > <button onClick ={() => dispatchNumber({name: 'b'})}>减少</button > <button onClick ={() => dispatchNumber({name: 'c', payload: 666})}>赋值</button > {/* 把 dispatch 和 state 传递给子组件 */} <MyChildren dispatch ={dispatchNumber} state ={{number}} /> </div > ) }
业务中经常将 useReducer + useContext 代替 Redux
useMemo ⽤来根据 useMemo 的第⼆个参数 deps(数组)判定是否满⾜当前的限定条件来决定是否执⾏第⼀个 cb;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 useMemo (() => ( <div > { selectList.map((i, v) => ( <span key ={v} className ={style.listSpan} > {i.patenName}</span > )) } </div > ), [selectList]) const DemoUserMemo = ( ) => { const newLog = useMemo (() => { const log = ( ) => { console .log (123 ) } return log }, []) return <div onClick ={() => newLog()}></div > }
useCallback useMemo 返回 cb 的运⾏结果; useCallback 返回 cb 的函数;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 import React , { useState, useCallback } from 'react' function Button (props) { const { handleClick, children } = props console .log ('Button -> render' ) return <button onClick ={handleClick} > {children}</button > } const MemoizedButton = React .memo (Button )export default function Index ( ) { const [clickCount, increaseCount] = useState (0 ) const handleClick = useCallback (() => { console .log ('handleClick' ) increaseCount (clickCount + 1 ) }, []) return ( <div > <p > {clickCount}</p > <MemoizedButton handleClick ={handleClick()} > click</MemoizedButton > </div > ) }
Hooks 实战 所有依赖都必须放在依赖数组中么?
useEffect 中,默认有个共识: useEffect 中使⽤到外部变量,都应该放到第⼆个数组参数中。
Solution: 1. 不要使⽤ eslint-plugin-react-hooks 插件,或者可以选择性忽略该插件的警告; 2. 只有⼀种情况,需要把变量放到 deps 数组中,那就是当该变量变化时,需要触发 useEffect 函数执⾏。⽽不是因为 useEffect 中⽤到了这个变量!
尽量不要用 useCallback
useCallback ⼤部分场景没有提升性能 必须用 React.memo wrapper 子组件,才能避免在参数不变的情况下,不重复渲染
useCallback 依赖层层传递导致代码可读性变差
useMemo 建议适当使用 在 deps 不变且非简单的基础类型运算的情况下使用
6 1 2 3 4 const a = 1; const b = 2; // const c = useMemo(() => a + b, [a, b]) const c = a + b // 内存消耗小
useState 的正确使用姿势
能⽤其他状态计算出来就不⽤单独声明状态。⼀个 state 必须不能通过其它 state/props 直接计算出来,否则就不⽤定义 state
useState 适当合并
自定义 Hooks 注意:⾃定义 Hooks 本质上还是实现⼀个函数,关键在于实现逻辑 一般实现效果如:
1 const [a[,b,c...] ] = useXXX(arg[,arg2, ...])
setTitle hook 6 1 2 3 4 5 export default function useTitle(title) { useEffect(() => { document.title = title }, []) }
6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 import { useState, useEffect } from 'react' export default function useScroll (scrollRef) { const [pos, setPos] = useState([0, 0]) useEffect(() => { function handleScrolle (e) { setPos([scrollRef.current.scrollerLeft, scrollRef.current.scrollTop]) } scrollRef.current.addEventListener('scroll', handleScrolle) return () => { scrollRef.current.removeEventListener('scroll', handleScrolle) } }, []) return pos }
Hooks VS HOC
Hook 最典型的就是取代掉⽣命周期中⼤多数的功能,可以把更相关的逻辑放在⼀起,⽽⾮零散在各个⽣命周期⽅法中;
⾼阶组件可以将外部的属性功能到⼀个基础 Component 中,更多作为扩展能⼒的插件(如 react-swipeable-views 中的 autoPlay ⾼阶组件,通过注⼊状态化的 props 的⽅式对组件进⾏功能扩展,⽽不是直接将代码写在主库中);
Hook 的写法可以让代码更加紧凑,更适合做 Controller 或者需要内聚的相关逻辑,⼀般与⽬标组件内强依赖,HOC更强调对原先组件能⼒的扩展;
⽬前 Hook 还处于相对早期阶段(React 16.8.0 才正式发布Hook 稳定版本),⼀些第三⽅的库可能还暂时⽆法兼容 Hook;
异步组件 随着项⽬的增⻓,代码包也会随之增⻓,尤其是在引⼊第三⽅的库的情况下,要避免因体积过⼤导致加载时间过⻓。 React16.6中,引⼊了 React.lazy 和 React.Suspense 两个API,再配合动态 import() 语法就可以实现组件代码打包分割和异步加载。
传统模式:渲染组件 -> 请求数据 -> 再渲染组件 异步模式:请求数据 -> 渲染组件
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 import React , { lazy, Suspense } from 'react' const About = lazy (() => import ('./About' ))class App extends React.Component { render () { return ( <div > <Suspense fallback ={ <div > loading</div > }> <About /> </Suspense > </div > ) } }
动态 import 相对于静态 import 的 import XX from XXX
,动态 import 指在运⾏时加载
错误边界 React V16 中引⼊,部分 UI 的 JS 错误不会导致整个应⽤崩溃; 错误边界是⼀种 React 组件,错误边界在渲染期间、⽣命周期⽅法和整个组件树的构造函数中捕获错误,且会渲染出备⽤ UI ⽽不是崩溃的组件。
手写异步组件 Suspense 组件需要等待异步组件加载完成再渲染异步组件的内容。 1. lazy wrapper 住异步组件,React 第⼀次加载组件的时候,异步组件会发起请求,并且抛出异常,终⽌渲染; 2. Suspense ⾥有 componentDidCatch ⽣命周期函数,异步组件抛出异常会触发这个函数,然后改变状态使其渲染 fallback 参数传⼊的组件; 3. 异步组件的请求成功返回之后,Suspense 组件再次改变状态使其渲染正常⼦组件(即异步组件);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 import React , { useEffect } from 'react' export function lazy (fn) { const fecher = { status : 'pending' , result : null , promise : null , } return function MyComponent ( ) { const getDataPromise = fn () fetcher.promise = getDataPromise getDataPromise.then (() => { fecher.status = 'resolved' fetcher.result = res.default }) useEffect (() => { if (fecher.status === 'pending' ) { throw fetcher } }, []) if (fecher.status === 'resolved' ) { return fecher.result } return null } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 const About = lazy (() => new Promise (resolve => { setTimeout (() => { resolve ({ default : <div > component content</div > }) }, 1000 ) }))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 import React from 'react' export default class Suspense extends React.Component { state = { isRender : true } componentDidCatch (error, errorInfo) { this .setState ({isRender : false }) error.promise .then (() => { this .setState ({isRender : true }) }) } render () { const { fallback, children } = this .props const { isRender } = this .state return isRender ? children : fallback } }
React18 新特性 2021.11.15 React 18 升级到了beat版本,当前 17.0.2
库的 Alpha 版本:当天可⽤
公开的 Beta 版:⾄少⼏个⽉
RC 版本:⾄少在 Beta 版发布后的⼏周
正式版:⾄少在 RC 版本发布之后的⼏周
主要改动包括: 1. Automatic batching(⾃动批量更新) 2. startTransition 3. ⽀持 React.lazy 的 SSR 架构 4. Concurrent Mode (并发渲染、可选)
Automatic batching
V18 前默认不 batching 的 scene:
原⽣事件处理(native event handlers);
V18 所有更新自动 batching
若不想 batching
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 import { flushSync } from 'react-dom' function handleClick () { flushSync (() => { setCounter (c => c + 1 ) }) flushSync (() => { setFlag (f => !f) }) }
可以让我们的⻚⾯在多数据更新⾥保持响应。这个 API 通过标记某些更新为”transitions”,来提⾼⽤户交互;
Example:我们更新 input 的 value 的同时⽤这个 value 去更新了⼀个有 30000 个 item 的 list。然⽽这种多数据更新让⻚⾯⽆法及时响应,也让⽤户输⼊或者其他⽤户交互感觉很慢。 Solution:
1 2 3 4 setInputValue (e.target .value )setContent (e.target .value )
V18 前:update 的优先级一致 V18:支持优先级手动设置
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 import {startTransition} from 'react' setInputValue (input)startTransition (() => { setSearchQuery (input) })
react中的 update:
Urgent updates:reflect direct interaction, like typing, clicking, pressing, and so on; ● Transition updates:transition the UI from one view to another;
与setTimeout的区别 startTransition 不会被放到下⼀次 event loop,是同步⽴即执⾏的,这也就意味着,⽐ timeout update 更早,低端机体验明显;
slow rendering:re-render 需要耗费⼤量的⼯作量;
slow network:需要较⻓时间等待 response 的情况;
⽀持 React.lazy 的 SSR 架构 SSR场景 react 的 SSR(server side render)
server:组装返回带有 HTML 的接⼝;
client:加载 JavaScript;
server:获取数据; –> 按序执⾏,必须在服务端返回所有 HTML;
client:加载 JavaScript; –> 必须JS加载完成;
client:hydration,将客户端的 JS 与服务端的 HTML 结合; –> hydrate后才能交互;
流式 HTML & 选择性 hydrate
client 进⾏选择性的 hydration:
hydration 之前要求交互
记录操作⾏为,并优先执⾏Urgent comp的hydration;
Concurrent Mode (并发渲染、可选) Concurrent Mode(以下简称CM)什么是 CM 和 suspense?在2019年 react conf提出了实验性的版本来⽀持CM 和 Suspense(可以理解为等待代码加载,且指定加载界⾯)
阻塞渲染:如UI update,需要先执⾏对应视图操作,如更新DOM; solution: a. debounce:输⼊完成后响应,输⼊时不会更新; b. throttle:功率低场景卡顿; 可中断渲染(CM): a. CPU-bound update: (例如创建新的 DOM 节点和运⾏组件中的代码):中断当前渲染,切换更⾼优先级; b. IO-bound update: (例如从⽹络加载代码或数据):response前先在内存进⾏渲染;
suspense 以声明的⽅式来“等待”任何内容,包括数据
补充知识点 使用 useReducer + useContext 实现简易 Redux 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 import React , { useReducer, createContext } from "react" ;const Context = createContext ();const initState = {};const reducer = (state, action ) => { switch (action.type ) { case "setState" : return { ...state, ...action.payload }; default : return state; } }; export default Context ;export const Provider = ({ children } ) => { const [state, dispatch] = useReducer (reducer, initState); return ( <Context.Provider value ={{ state , dispatch }}> {children}</Context.Provider > ); };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 import React , { useContext } from "react" ;import Context from "./simpleRedux" ;export default function SimpleReduxDemo () { const { state, dispatch } = useContext (Context ); return ( <div > <div > {JSON.stringify(state)}</div > <button onClick ={() => { dispatch({ type: "setState", payload: { time: Date.now() } }); }} > set Time </button > <button onClick ={() => { dispatch({ type: "setState", payload: { random: Math.random() } }); }} > set Random </button > </div > ); };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 import { Provider } from "./simpleRedux" ;import SimpleReduxDemo from 'simpleReduxDemo' export default function App ( ) { return ( <Provider > <SimpleReduxDemo /> </Provider > ) }
useDebounceFn 用来处理防抖函数的 Hook
6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 import debounce from 'lodash/debounce' import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react' function useDebounceFn(fn, options) { const fnRef = useRef(fn); const wait = options?.wait ?? 1000; const debounced = useMemo( () => debounce( () => fnRef.current(...args), wait, options, ), [], ); useEffect(() => () => { debounced.cancel() }, []) return { run: debounced, cancel: debounced.cancel, flush: debounced.flush, }; } export default useDebounceFn;
useThrottleFn 用来处理函数节流的 Hook
6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 import throttle from 'lodash/throttle'; import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef } from 'react'; function useThrottleFn(fn, options) { const fnRef = useRef(fn); const wait = options?.wait ?? 1000; const throttled = useMemo( () => throttle( () => fnRef.current(...args), wait, options, ), [], ); useEffect(() => () => { throttled.cancel() }, []) return { run: throttled, cancel: throttled.cancel, flush: throttled.flush, }; } export default useThrottleFn;